Lui, J., Lipscombe R.J., and Arthur P. (2010) Detecting changes in the thiol redox state of proteins following a decrease in oxygen concentration using a dual labeling technique. Journal of Proteome Research 10, 9(1), 383-392.
Cells are routinely exposed to hyperoxic conditions when cultured in the presence of 95% air and 5% carbon dioxide. Hyperoxic conditions can increase the generation of reactive oxygen species and cause oxidative stress. Oxidative stress has been proposed to cause cells in culture to behave differently from cells in vivo. One route by which oxidative stress could affect cellular function is through alterations in protein function caused by the oxidation of thiol groups (-SH) of redox-sensitive cysteine residues. To test whether changes in oxygen concentration were sufficient to cause changes in the thiol redox state of proteins, we developed a sensitive method involving the labeling of reduced and oxidized cysteine residues with fluorescent tags. Using this dual labeling method, we found 62 of 411 protein spots that were significantly more reduced following a 30 min decrease in oxygen concentration. We conclude that the elevated oxygen concentration characteristic of typical cell culture conditions has the potential to affect cellular behavior through changes in the thiol redox state of proteins.